Technological lifts for powder coating line
Material lift for mezzanine rack system
Warehouse pallet racking sytem
Pallet racks for spare parts warehouse
Storage system for the warehouse-shop
This is not a complete list of our customers and it is constantly growing! For more than 10 years of successful work, our client base has exceeded the mark of 3,000 satisfied customers. We want to become better and constantly ask for feedback on our products and work. Indeed, the high quality of equipment and service is the key to the success of any brand. The Forstor company constantly receives good reviews and recommendations, and we have decided to upload them on this page. We also publish photos and videos from our case studies on a separate page at the link: Projects. There you will find a lot of interesting and useful, maybe there will be solutions for your business. Become our customers and partners, let's grow our business together and become stronger!